How much is it?
BFT Qualified - £2000 one off fee
•You become a qualified Meditate With Horses Practitioner
•A lifetime membership to the community for help and advice
•A life time membership to the video course to keep on top of your training.
How to pay - a deposit of £400 is required and the remaining is inviced 30 days before your arrival.
Payment Plan - Pay just £250 then £200 per month for 9 months
Professional Standard - £300 per year - One Payment
Or £29 per month
• Obtain the branding and logo to be part of the professional team
• Receive the website template
• One consultancy visit per year to refine your business model
Business Consultancy Starter Kit - £1000 - One Payment
or £180 per month
• 6 Hours (over 6 months) of buiness and marketing consultancy training on your individual needs with Meditate With Horses Business Consultant Expert.
•You will be assigned tasks and goals which are expected to be completed by your next month's session