A deep dive into stillness and clarity on the coast.
This is a 5 day meditation retreat during which we take a vow of silence.
Area of outstanding natural beauty
Beautiful Victorian house on the coast
Views of the Lake District mountains
Beautiful woodland walks
Sea swims
Careful structured tuition and guidance in silent practice and meditation
Delicious organic vegetarian food
Private walled garden
Leave feeling light, peaceful, clear and renewed.
The benefits will never leave you.
Further Information
Why Silence?
Our sense of self - Often we get a sense of ourselves, our physical representation of consciousness, through bouncing off other people. With the constant feedback to what you are putting out into the world, you are suddenly addressing no one but yourself.
This is where the labels and options that define us, our gender, how old we are, even what car we drive, fall away and we are left with a lake of still water - through which we can see reality very clearly. In looking into this Lake you will discover where is is you need to grow and exactly what is holding you back.
Our sense of others - On a conscious level, we tend to blame people around us for the things that we cant control and which upset us. While we are doing this, it serves to temporarily elevate us from life’s pain and numb our own. However, we are often unaware that our reactions to other people are caused by build up of wounding in our unconscious. This wounding (perhaps from childhood) triggers our reactions and we frantically try to control the world, sorting situations into “good” or “bad”, “can deal with” or “cannot deal with” and this causes us to suffer, because, of course, we cannot control what everyone around us does or says. We can however, control our reactions if we can see, like still water, where the reactions are actually coming from and let them go.
While you are in silence you are internally processing your unconscious wounds. We sit in deep and structured meditation to help move this process along. Your feelings of anger, grief or irritation cannot be projected onto the people around you and so you feel them, and you heal them. This leaves a mind like still water. You can see who you are and align yourself completely with what it is you want. You have direct access to the peace, joy, love, compassion and creativity in your super conscious, without your wounds being in the way. You are lighter than air and experiencing complete joy and equanimity.
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